Listen to a verbal introduction to guide you within. Find a sacred tree, and then listen to the drum as you experience this shamanic journey. Drum sound mp3 3.84mb 8:24 minutes [add_to_cart item=”MP3-SJ-TL” quantity=”user:1″ ajax=”yes” ]
Explore Your Field of Possibilities
Listen to a verbal intro as you explore your Field of Possibilities and look for a guide for this shamanic journey. Drum sound mp3 4.96 mb 10:50 minutes [add_to_cart item=”MP3-SJ-FP” quantity=”user:1″ ajax=”yes” ]
Moon Illumination of your Path
Listen to a verbal intro about two ideas, moon illumination and change. Let the moon show you something that you need to know about change. Drum sound mp3 6.93 mb 12:06 minutes [add_to_cart item=”MP3-SJ-MI” quantity=”user:1″ ajax=”yes” ]
Meet the Keeper of the Moon
Journey within to the beat of the drum. The moon waxes and wanes, as you do. The Moon itself can become a teacher for you during this drum session. Drum sound mp3 12:19 minutes 8.46 mb [add_to_cart item=”MP3-SJ-KM” quantity=”user:1″ ajax=”yes”
Meet with Bear Teacher
Listen to verbal intro to ask for a Bear Spirit to appear to you during this shamanic journey. Drum sound mp3 8.57 MB 14:59 minutes [add_to_cart item=”MP3-SJ-BT” quantity=”user:1″ ajax=”yes” ]
Learning from a River Spirit
Listen to a verbal intro and shamanic journey to connect you with the energy of River. Rivers have a spirit and are great teachers. Ask within for guidance from river. River and Drum sounds mp3 6.96 mb 12:10 minutes [add_to_cart item=”MP3-SJ-RS” quantity=”user:1″ ajax=”yes” ]
Inner Blooming of Spring
Listen to verbal guidance about the process of Inner blooming. Experience a shamanic journey to ponder your own blooming, no matter the season. Drum sounds mp3 8.07mb 14:06 minutes [add_to_cart item=”MP3-SJ-IB” quantity=”user:1″ ajax=”yes” ]