Web of Life Animist YOUniversity-Circles Trainings Courses
created and hosted by Quynn Red Mountain
• Animist Nature Exploration and Spirit World Reclamation •
• Intuitive Development and Personal/Ancestral Healing•
• Vocational Training for Earth honoring Healers and Ministers •

Those who feel drawn to “Animism” practice the ancient human tools that consistently show themselves in Earth honoring cultures. Honoring the sacred circle, activating trance with a consistent rhythm, dreaming, honoring the Earth and Sky cycles, elements and directions in Nature, intuition, trance, soul restoration, ritual, interaction with spirit world, ceremony, divination, storytelling, connecting with animal and plant allies, blessings/prayers are all part of Animist practices.  Each person consults their own Spirit Guides about how to practice these arts. You are welcome to explore these practices through the Web of Life Animist YOUniversity-Circles Trainings and Courses.

“The workshops, courses and trainings offered here are a culmination of my first 20 years of Spirit Bridge (shamanic) and Animist Training. All multimedia and live offerings of this YOUniversity are designed to inspire YOU to feel empowered to listen within for your sacred Way, as taught to you by the Spirits of Earth and your Ancestors. I am not interested in training YOU to copy my ways, I am pleased to help you explore, activate and enhance what is already within YOU!” Quynn Red Mountain

Study Options:  Multiple paths can be traveled- Go at your Own Pace

1) Participate in an upcoming Online Circle

2) Sign up for Celestial Terrestrial Moon Meditation and Journey Club 

Join the Celestial Terrestrial Moon Journey Club to stay connected during the moon cycles!

3) Download ala-cart pre-recorded workshops 

4) Complete any of the pre-recorded and downloadable online multimedia Course Series

5) Participate in a vocational or personal development training with Quynn. 

Each journey, meditation, workshop, series, ceremony and training encourages you to explore within your consciousness, spirit world and soul, while connecting more deeply with the sacred web of life.

Always insightful and thought provoking, Quynn supports with a light touch that encourages you to go as far as you possibly can…and then a bit more. This ‘forum’ provides a space for you to be that which you may never have thought you could be and the recognition of your ‘calling’. Having considered several other ‘vehicles’ I’m so glad I was guided to work with Quynn.

Choose the Path for YOU

Quynn’s group container held space for spontaneous and miraculous spiritual healing for me of the most profound type.  Quynn’s encouragement of me to doctor myself during journey practice allowed the information in my subconscious, nervous system and DNA to come into the present, be awakened and integrated in to my present life experience freeing me from old patterns and addictions.

“Quynn Red Mountain is a totally unique and powerful group facilitator. She is able to allow others to have their process within her circles. She is humble in that she does not take all the time spouting her beliefs and ideas. She allows for diversity in the circle for some of the most basic and passionate beliefs people have (those about spirituality) and makes a way for everyone to contribute and work together for mutual growth and insight on profound and deep levels.”

“Quynn, as always, conjures an outstanding circle. The energy channeled through her drumming touches people, myself included, and provides safety that is heard and felt in all the connected worlds.”

“Quite honestly this was one of the most magnificently powerful meditations I have listened to. Thank you!!!!!”
