Sessions and Readings with Quynn (they/she) are offered in Tucson and Online

Book an appointment in Tucson or Online with Quynn at the end of this page

In their own tradition, Quynn was named “OOlah”-One Who Balances.
A Queerful Trance Warrior on behalf of the Peoples of Earth,

Quynn’s healing work is specifically for those of “The Forgotten Peoples”, meaning those who’s ancestors have been made to forget their Animist/Earth honoring lineages, and that “forgetting” was passed on to us. The seekers of these generations now are the “Remembering Peoples”. Quynn considers these offerings to be Inner Justice healing work, which enhances and accelerates the desire for kindness and compassion for self and others.

Quynn is an Ordained Minister and Pastoral Counselor with Web of Life Animist church

Their Scope of Practice includes Animist approaches to:
Soul Loss Reclamation
Untangling War-related PTSD

Inner Child Reconnection
Unlearning Colonized Mind
Inner Voices and Guides
Honoring your Calling
Queer Animist Healing

Plant Medicine Integration
Befriending your Unique Ways
Ancestral Traumas
Ritual & Religious Abuse Support
Gender Affirming Soul Care
Animist Physical World and Online Support
Raven Clearings (in person only)

We will open our sacred circle with prayer and intention yet know that you will not be asked to do anything that does not feel comfortable. Quynn works with you and your guides in a guided journey to clear away, and gather, in what is needed for you to move forward on your path. Quynn uses a storytelling voice and drum for your highest good.

In these sessions, Quynn usually explores the arts of rhythmic journeying, divination, embodied conversation and animist counsel.  These sessions can focus on what are commonly called Soul Restoration, Clearings, Energy Body Balancing, Extractions and Infusions. What exactly happens will be unknown until the session unfolds.

If you feel ready for another layer of Soul Integration and Alignment, Energy Clearing and ultimately…Spiritual Expansion, consider a session together. Much can happen as a team.

If you cannot afford a session right now, please LOOK FOR for many options for study at home options. Also! You can scroll through my youtube channel to learn more!

A NOTE FROM QUYNN: I hope you find your session helpful. However, I do not provide any guarantee that you will find the experience helpful, or that you will “like” the info that is shared in your session. If you like, or do not like what comes through, I invite you to sit with it, and then write me a week after our session and tell me why. I will answer, but I cannot guarantee you will like my answer. There are no refunds.  It is what it is, whether we like it or not.   Blessings.

All sessions are confidential and suited specifically to you. I work with people of all ages, genders, and from all walks of life as they explore their abilities, feelings and healing. An intake form is completed to help bring more clarity to our purpose together. See it below.

“I saw Quynn to try to restore myself to the man I was before a  tour in a war zone as a US Marine. She not only  enabled me to get past traumatic experiences in theater she also realized from the very beginning of our session a childhood trauma that related to similar feelings in a no win action. She helped me resolve these conflicts and evict them from my soul like old filth, which they are. In essence, she helped me save myself. A truly unique experience.”

A client’s words

By setting up an online or in person personal session with Quynn, you AGREE with the following protocols for your Personal Healing Session, during, and after: 

-I understand that Quynn is an Animist Pastoral Counselor, but not a certified counselor or healthcare provider, and therefore she does not assess, diagnose, treat or claim to cure any disease or illness, mental or physical.

-I understand that it is impossible to know at the beginning of the session with Quynn what exactly will happen during the session, so I agree that I will use my best judgment to take care of myself.   If, while participating, at any time I feel anything to be uncomfortable, I can ask a question, or stop the session.

-I understand that there might be psychological, social or economic changes that could be incurred after participating in a session with Quynn. I agree that all choices are my own and I make all the decisions about my own life. Quynn does not guarantee any kind of outcome for emotional or physical healing or any kind of transformation during or after a session.

-I agree that, except in the case of gross negligence or malpractice, I or my representative(s) agree to full release and hold harmless Quynn Red Mountain from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with my session(s).

-I certify that I am a competent adult, over 18 years old, and I assume these risks and sign this agreement of my own free will.

To set an appointment with Quynn, please let them know you agree to the statements above. Thank you. I look forward to our work together.

In Tucson Clinic Sessions- Book here

Online Sessions and Intuitive Readings-Book here

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