Welcome to my corner of the world. When I was in my mid-20s, I was tapped by the Spirit World in a profound and logically unexplainable way. Through my experiences and research I have been shown how to connect with my Guides and Guardians through Intuition, Creativity and the spirits of Nature. I seek to inspire others to learn how to reconnect for themselves so that they feel empowered to be their authentic Self and speak for the Earth and its creatures. The methods used are ancient and accessible to anyone. Full Circle Animism is for those who have made to forget their animist lineage. It is time to remember!

Pronouns: They/She
My role is “OOlah”-One Who Balances.
I belong to the Butterfly People, Raven Clan and Beaver Lodge.

After a life-altering physical experience at the age of 26, I could suddenly hear the Spirit World, and felt an age-old calling.  (I share my “Ghost Story” in the video interview with Tammi Morrison above.) This new connection came in the form of visions, auditory messages, as well as many forms of synchronicity and spirit traveling.  In order to understand what was happening to me, I began to seek spiritual teachers. Many humans taught (and still teach) me how to be an honorable Human, and it has always been my non-human teachers who have offered the most profound lessons.

I was taught how to “journey” by a Dream and Spirit teacher.  As I spontaneously plummeted down a tunnel in my mind for the first time, the part Horse, part Rabbit being who was a recent dream character, told me in my head “Keep practicing and you will learn how to do it”, but I had no idea what “it” was.   Now I know

If I were to tell my 21 year old self that I would someday have a life-changing experience and totally change my world to become a Spirit Bridge Practitioner (previously called shamanic practitioner), she would have no idea what I was talking about.  If I tried to explain it to her, she would think I am crazy.  I smile at this thought now, because I see my self in every person that sits in circle with me, and I love watching people realize that they are not crazy to talk within and explore the worlds.  This is my calling.

I came to this world as a starseed, and am in this world as an Earth loving female bodied (male spirited), even though my direct lineage to my ‘indigenous’ heritage has been forgotten and suppressed for generations.  I am abundantly grateful for being called to this life in this time.    I was blessed to be called by my ancestral spirit world when I was 26 years old, pulling me awake and helping me remember this ancient wisdom that is within me.  I am acutely aware that without the direct intervention from, what I call, my Spirit World, I would have continued living a life of amnesia that was deeply painful to live, and that wasn’t even mine.  I now know with my heart that I am part of a living world around and within, and I hope to honor my ancestors and kin with my Animist practice, now, and into the future.

Over the last 20+ years I founded and now am caretaker for Web of Life Animists, which practices Full Circle Animism, which is for anyone, especially those who’s ancestors have been made to forget their Animist lineage. Full Circle Animism is for those ready to remember their Animist ancestry!

My purpose for this work is to seek out and train individuals who want to improve their natural abilities in the Animist healing arts* and to educate the public about these healing arts, their usefulness to individuals as well as their benefits to the community. This education happens through circles, performances, personal sessions and adventures in Nature. I also host circles and trainings for people of all walks of life.

*Animist healing arts explore modern applications and benefits (emotional, mental, physical and spiritual) of consciously voyaging into the wilderness of one’s mind for the purposes of healing, increasing communication skills and inspiring art.


“If you want someone who can really HELP you HELP yourself, you need someone who has learned by personal experience. Quynn has done just that, deepening her knowledge and skill on her healing path and sharing her learning with many people over 20+ years. She shares what she has been taught within by listening closely and letting go fearlessly, so you can trust that her unique path will help you find your path to your truth and healing. She doesn’t tell you exactly what to do, but gives you examples and choices that can lead you to your own way of learning, knowing, and healing. Trusting her teaching will lead you to trusting yourself.”

“I would like to recommend Quynn Elizabeth as an outstanding Animist practitioner. I have worked with Quynn for three years and have made great progress…Quynn serves as a catalyst to help an individual bring forth their shaman-self and to guide a person to develop in a way best for them. I respect her and trust her to help me see for myself my way in spirit.” R. Underwood, M.Ed

“Quynn’s unique way, or shall I say, gift, for teaching is like no other. She will guide you through journeys with your ancestors, guides, angels, higher self, and totem animals through her instruction and dynamic drumming. Teachers like Quynn are a rare find.”  

Quynn brings the real deal. She has a giving spirit and is as genuine a sweet spirit as you’ll find anywhere. She is a graceful and humble teacher sharing her skills with community in a myriad of ways. I’m never left wanting or disappointed. I know her group will deliver exactly what I’m looking for. Thanks for being there.

“Quynn, you have really helped me to grow and expand my horizons, my inner knowledge and my potential through your insightfulness, the wonderful blessings of the  journeying group, and just by being you.  They say “the teacher will come when the student is ready.” I feel you were placed into my life at a time I was ready to learn from you. Thank you.” 

“Quynn, thanks for you, who you are, what you do and the way in which you are able to help us find the bright parts of ourselves we have hidden and denied for years!”

“Quynn, Your footsteps leave a trail for many to follow as they learn to make their own path.”  

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