Quynn is the author of two books:

WE – The Beginner’s Field Guide to Full Circle Animism

Originally written in 2004, Quynn changed the name and updated it for 2021 and beyond. It is time to remember your Animist ancestry, explore your Intuitive gifts and heal your trauma through Earth honoring practices.

WE is an experiential field guide to the ancient territory of Animism, the oldest way of humanity, which means that we are all connected in the web of life. Full Circle Animism is for anyone who has been made to forget these original Animist roots. Chapters include exploring one’s inner world, healing soul wounds, connecting with the world around and spiritual self care. Written for the “after times” of climate crisis, pandemic and colonized mind, this helpful field guide assists any person, of any background, to learn how to utilize Earth honoring techniques for self healing and soul exploration.

Available in paperback and Kindle. Find both through this widget. After purchasing, please consider writing a review at same page. Thank you!!!


If you do not want to order a paperback from Amazon, you can order directly from Quynn here

Accepting the Ashes-A Daughter’s Look at Military PTSD

Originally written in 2004 (the year of her father’s death, and one year after the Iraq war began) and updated in August of 2021, after 20 painful years in Iraq and Afghanistan. Quynn Elizabeth shares her father’s story of combat, family and PTSD. She hopes that other veterans and their loved ones might not have to wait 30 years to heal their painful feelings stemming from military trauma from any war, and through the generations.

Since 2004, “Accepting the Ashes” has helped many veterans and their families to recognize signs of Post Trauma Stress and has been used by The National Chaplain Center in its national program, the Veterans Community Outreach Initiative. Whether you are a veteran, loved one, co-worker or citizen of an allied troop country, “Accepting the Ashes” is for you. Included are 15 simple ideas to help people understand Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and move toward healing.

“Accepting the Ashes” does not attempt to diagnose or treat any veteran. It is written from the perspective of an adult daughter, honestly highlighting one man and how PTSD negatively affected him and his family. This short book originally released in 2004, with evocative illustrations by E. Gentry, is reissued in 2021 to acknowledge that 20 years has passed since 9/11/2001. The troop withdrawal from Afghanistan after a 20 year presence exacerbates the trauma of all who have given so much for their countries (both U.S. and Afghanistan), and we honor the memories of those who made the greatest sacrifice.

“Accepting the Ashes is both an easy read (short, to the point) and a difficult read, because of its truth and directness. The advice is straightforward and obviously comes from the heart. I applaud this book.”

Col Charles W. Hoge, M.D., (Ret) Past Director of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and co-author of “Battle Mind”.

BUY BOOK HERE IN AMAZON (KINDLE/PAPERBACK) After purchasing, please consider writing a review at same page. Thank you!!!

Wholesale prices are available for organizations that support veterans

Free Audio Book in Quynn’s voice available here

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