Accepting the Ashes is both an easy read (short, to the point) and a difficult read, because of its truth and directness.  The advice is straightforward and obviously comes from the heart.  I appreciate what you wrote, and applaud your work.”   Col Charles W. Hoge, M.D., (Ret) Past Director of Psychiatry and Neuroscience  Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and co-author of “Battle Mind”

“Accepting the Ashes” is for American military men and women, and all those who love them.
”Accepting the Ashes” is one daughter’s attempt to increase communication among veteran families so that long-term healing can occur.
“Accepting the Ashes” does not attempt to diagnose or treat any veteran.  It is written from the perspective of an adult daughter, honestly highlighting one man and how PTSD negatively affected him and his family.

In addition to assisting many American families deal with PTSD, “Accepting the Ashes” is being used by a growing number of VA Chaplains and National Guard Family Readiness Offices around the country to aid their veterans, families and volunteers as they attempt to understand and treat Post Traumatic Stress.

You can purchase your MP3 or PDF copy of Quynn’s book for $4.99 .

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