Today I had some things on my mind, so I went for a hike in the Tucson Mtns, a range that I am growing to love more each time we meet.

After a while I could see the pass.  The rocks looked different, and I knew I needed to get there.

When I reached it I walked up one side to get a higher view and have a snack.  I sat down, and I immediately noticed a face in the rock. One of those “clear as day” kind of faces. Someone had just shared her journey with me about meeting a man in a rock face, and I wanted a photograph to send her.  I walked closer to take a photo, and thereby was walking away from the rock outcropping where I had been sitting.

As I walked to the face I began to hear Raven cawing high up on the near peak. I was able to get a faraway picture of him.

When I got the photo I wanted, I turned around, and there was a huge Raven rock head in front of me.  The rock outcropping, from this view, was a perfect Raven head, with a crack to make his beak. I was thrilled! I thanked Raven and then offered him some of my snack. I had found two heart rocks on the walk here, so I left them on the rock as well.

As I walked back I practiced gratitude for all the things on my mind, and I felt my mind loosen into the desert.

Such lovely gifts.

Here are some photo gifts to share…

An Animist Walks
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2 thoughts on “An Animist Walks

  • January 24, 2015 at 10:44 am

    I see a bear with its arm around the face and the bear has a big hand on its head.

  • January 26, 2015 at 10:28 am

    Thank you for sharing your walk amongst the rocks. I love this and the animist within me and that is in me, feels at home here. :)


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