I have been humbled and grateful to have been able to be able to visit and sleep in many, many power-filled “Nature” places in the lands west of what are commonly called the “Rocky Mountains”. Prairies, Rivers, Thunder, Flowers, Trees, Rocks and Clouds have taught me much and initiated me in so many ways. As a human, we are the children and students of these wise Beings. I still have so much to learn.

An Honoring of Sacred Place and Sacred Life

For almost 30 years I have healed, explored and learned to cherish my inner self, spirit world, soul. I have journaled and written much about my discoveries. For 20 years I have shared what I have learned with those who seek me out. I have traveled the inner dream realms with thousands of people and we have shared beautiful journeys and stories with each other. Over the years I have gathered meaningful quotes from these experiences, and I realized that these bits of inner wisdoms have wanted to be shared. They are meant to be shared.

One day, about 10 years ago, I had an idea to pair photographs of the many beauty places I have had the privilege to meet with small drops of wisdom words, and then sharing them through social media. Back then I created 35 of them, each a different “public land”* place with a quote from a channeled or downloaded message received now long ago. They were lovely, and the whole project was called “Divination Queue” because they would be shared at a regular interval. Anyway, I didn’t do it…they sat in a folder in a hard drive for a decade. Often, I would see the folder “Divination Q” and think,,, “someday”.

I imagine you might have something in your life that is like that too. “Not today, not today…someday”

Well, this week I decided to quit waiting for perfection, and just STARTED SHARING. May the words and places be helpful medicine to anyone who sees them. They are medicine to me.

*Land Acknowledgement-All photos are from “public lands” that are on traditional lands of Indigenous Peoples of what we now call Oregon, Washington, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Nevada and Arizona. I have always had deep gratitude for being able to visit by van camping, and have a policy of Leave No Trace.

You are invited to learn about, offer gratitude, and support justice for the original Peoples of the land where you live and grew up.  Don’t know? Find out here https://native-land.ca/

Six are shared are here, and you can follow me in IG qredmountain or in FB . Sharing happens manually, “randomly” which creates the element of “divination” in Divination Q.

Many blessings to all Beings in these sacred places.
May our inner sacredness thrive so we are more able to protect the land, water and air.

Divination Q-An Honoring of Sacred Place and Sacred Life
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