On October 20, 2012 I participated in a performance hosted by The Institute for the Shamanic Arts called The Plasmic Portal. The purpose of this performance was to share aspects of the multifaceted nature of the Shamanic Path, as experienced
Connecting with my Past on Halloween
It is November 1, 2012 and last night I slept for the first time in a new house after a move. This time of Halloween/Hallowmas/Samhain/Day of the Dead, which are the days in between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice, is
Place Based Soul Retrieval
I had the opportunity in August to travel to Oregon to attend the wedding of a childhood friend. A friend traveled with me, and she was curious to see where I grew up, and asked for a tour. I have
Hunting Nourishment
I have had two experiences with animals hunting for food this week. One was my own, and one came from a woman who found my website and wanted my opinion about her experience. They feel connected, so I share them