Honestly, i am not sure what to do with my anger. How can it be useful/helpful? During this time of pandemic and political inequity, there is so much on the line. 

Q is for Quynn

As Covid summer has burned along, I have gone quiet , burrowing into the places of grief, anger and overwhelm…alongside gratitude and deep listening. I’m sure you have had your own brew of feels working on you too.

In the last few days I have ventured out with Elisabeth and Jacob for a Nature walk and New Moon labyrinth video shoot. Masked and Distant are the new normal for those of us who want this pandemic to end sooner than later. Being under the sky is so helpful in clearing my head as the intense Sonoran desert summer heat wanes. I have recently received a direct message that it is time to start speaking again, and so I am honoring that message with this humble beginning. Words and Actions are necessary during these times of Pandemic and Political Inequity.

These days are so frustrating to me. I am trying to wrap my mind around a patriarchal monotheist corporate privileged white woman, who is younger than me, being placed on the current supreme court…and the patriot’s box (instead of Pandora) it opens. What frustrates me too is people on the left who think “both sides are the same” and don’t want to vote at all, let alone for Biden. Anyway, that’s what’s spinning in my head.  Breathe. 

Q is for Quynn

Coming next/now, the election process to determine which path we take. While some feel it is not worth voting, or that both old white men are the same, I say that the only way out is through. We work with where we are. I wish we were further along in so many ways, but that disappointment has to be set aside cause we are where we are.

I do not see the two old white men as the same, so I have thrown my lot in with the path of most potential to edge us off this hateful cliff so we can call our culture in the direction of addressing climate change that is already here, dismantling white supremacy in the structures and hearts of those that resist, and actually learn from the lessons that Covid is revealing to us.

With so many people dying and experiencing extreme hardship during this time, it is cruel to withhold voting and to not wear a mask because of an issue of “personal freedom”. Wearing a mask around others is so basic, it is infuriating to me that people resist. Refusing to wear masks and will drag this pandemic on for a longer, more challenging time. During the winter, if there are shutdowns, it is because of YOU.

Casting our votes for prez, senate/representatives, props, judges, sheriff and other officials is how this system works at this time. Many die and suffer to get and keep the vote around the the world. We see active voter suppression in this country today, right now. To choose to not participate by voting is to slow down the process of getting where we want to be. Revolution is one path, and we are close close to it, but it is a more difficult path.

We all, specifically white folks (yes, white folks), have lots of work to do for the rest of our lives. The work is now.

I have learned again and again that the only way through challenging emotions is to find or create an action to get it moving, so it can become fuel for a helpful fire.

Q is for Quynn

Do you need connection and support during this time? See my page of services and our events with Web of Life Animists.

Words and Actions during Pandemic and Political Inequity #vote2020 #maskup
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