I am so grateful that the beats of the drum called me.
I am humbled that after 20 years I still love this partner that is Drumming.
I go to my drums when I need to listen, to ask, to pray.
The rhythms of the drums heal me, every time.

While there are many styles of drums from different cultures, Drumming belongs to ALL People.

The art of drumming for myself came into my life when the call to the Animist path came. When I was just a beginner, I asked an elder for tips about connecting with my inner world, and she told me “the drumbeats guide you, and hold your connection for you. The drum ‘keeps you there’ “. Michael Harner, who founded the Foundation for Shamanic Studies called the drum a “sonic driver”…it propels and guides the journeyer.

When I first began “trying” to drum for a group, I was surprised how hard it was to keep a beat for more than a few minutes at a time. Watching myself expand my range and duration of drumming has been a pleasure, and a teacher. The drumbeats part the veil between worlds so that we may gain access to our dreaming mind, and to our ancestors. I have received so many powerful and direct teachings through drumming myself to my Spirit World for needed answers, healings, and fresh perspective.

Everyone can drum. Every One can find benefit in listening to drumbeats for clearing, centering and mindfulness in our lives. There are skin drums (skin of an animal) and Remo Drums (synthetic heads, still with nice sound). Skin drums are more money generally, as they are a piece of art and a sacred being of tree and animal. Remo drums are very affordable (see their website www.remo.com ) Even if you don’t have the money for a drum, you can repititively strike two stones together, or a stick on a table etc. You can even listen to drumming by someone else (see the store at my church’s website for drum tracks by me) or my videos in Youtube. Here is one:

If you are one who feels the call of the drum, listen to it. Here is a short bit of one of my many drum journeys over the years.

Thank you beautiful drums of my life, two that I have had for over 20 years, and two more that are new friends. I am grateful for your teachings and guidance in my life, and I know that your rhythms have guided thousands of People into their Inner World for what they need most. May our relationship continue to deepen and flourish!

Thank you.

Drumming is my Medicine

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